If your healthcare practice accepts a government payer program such as Medicare, Medicaid, or Tricare, it’s important to have a comprehensive compliance program. Without it, you risk non-compliance with the regulations set forth by the Office of Inspector General (OIG). Our expert team works alongside your practice to develop and implement the necessary tools and procedures, ensuring adherence to all relevant rules and regulations. Your staff needs to know their stuff, and as a healthcare provider, it can fall on you to make sure that they have the training that they need.

At Medical Auditing Solutions, our team understands the important of staying compliant with their billing and coding. Our team works to make sure that our providers and their healthcare attorneys have the tools to be effective from start to finish, and that starts with engaging training for your staff. They need to know up to date information about how to do their job right, and we are here to help. Give us a call today to learn more!

Do You Need A Comprehensive Compliance Program?

Comprehensive compliance programs are an essential part of medical billing and coding compliance, and if yours is old or out of date, then it is time to talk with a team of experts about your next steps. Not only are these required by the Office of the Inspector General, but they can also help your team to be accurate and thorough with your practices. These set direct standards and policies related to billing and coding to adhere to federal and state guidelines.

There are multiple agencies who might oversee your claims, and it is important that you adhere to each of their requirements. Talk to our team about your practice, and we can help you to craft a comprehensive compliance program that is tailored to your needs as a healthcare provider.

Has Your Team Been Thoroughly Trained In Billing And Coding Best Practices?

Even with the most detailed compliance program, you need to be able to depend on your staff to carry it out. If they have not received the right training, they might not be able to effectively or accurately communicate during billing. Regular training is essential for your office, and an engaging discussion can help them to remember details better than an off-the-shelf option. When it’s time for compliance training, our team is here to help.

Find Out More With Medical Auditing Solutions!

Staying compliant as a healthcare provider is a crucial responsibility for your office, and you need to follow the guidelines of both government agencies and private payers. To learn more about how compliance services from our team can help you to make the right moves, contact Medical Auditing Solutions at (972) 459-1508 today!